A regular monthly lunchtime networking event online held normally on the third Thursday of every month. This is an opportunity to build and maintain your business contacts and to have discussions on how we can collaborate to continue to operate our businesses in these challenging times.
Last year, each month the FSB in partnership with Your Bromley BID held sold-out lunchtime networking events at the Churchill Theatre, Bromley. With COVID-19 restrictions and the Churchill Theatre, we’ve had to change things up – we’re online! You can still meet up with all your favourite FSB eventers on zoom.
At a glance:
The meeting will be hosted by Chandra Sharma, with Sarah Marsh-Collings, Zeenat Noorani and Piyush Patel delivering the opening introductions.
Please note, this online event starts at 12pm sharp. The zoom room will be opened 15 minutes prior at 11.45am with break out networking rooms, to give everyone time to chat and settle in. Our guest speaker for September is Kev Orkian. Kev is a semi finalist from Britain’s Got Talent in 2010 – he is going to talk about crushing fears through the art of Comedy – here is a short video that Chandra did with Kev recently https://youtu.be/t1BRI17xCQE.
Greener Bromley Pilot Scheme |